Wednesday, September 28, 2005

ashley smith. meth junkie

* "Ashley Smith has always said it was the power of faith that spared her from being the next victim of the Atlanta courthouse gunman who afterwards made his way into her apartment. Turns out, it might have been the power of meth... Smith says she stopped taking drugs the night before she encountered Nichols at her front door." (link)
if theres one thing about our crazy new world, it sure can be entertaining.

* how long till zarqawi's next #2 gets killed or captured?

* "Around 1,000 to be freed from Abu Ghraib as gesture" (link)
aka - they are innocent. sorry about the torture. hope u dont hate us.

* "The American Civil Liberties Union is urging the U.S. Supreme Court to review a lower court's dismissal of the case of Sibel Edmonds" (link)

* ha ha - the americans wont extradite posada in case he gets tortured. my mind hurts.

* i didnt see most of drownie brownies testimony - but one thing i havent heard him say is that chertoff didnt give him the reins till 36 hours after the storm...

* this article makes as good a case as any for immediate withdrawl from iraq. the summary is:
"American withdrawal would undoubtedly leave a riven, impoverished Iraq, awash in a sea of weaponry, with problems galore, and numerous possibilities for future violence. The either/or of this situation may not be pretty, but on a grim landscape, a single reality stands out clearly: not only is the American presence the main source of civilian casualties, it is also the primary contributor to the threat of civil war in Iraq. The longer we wait to withdraw, the worse the situation is likely to get - for the US and for the Iraqis."

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