Tuesday, September 13, 2005

more flying spaghetti monster

* Germany's tv show "The Journal" is showing scientologists in nola - doing the lord's work in some of the camps! (or the Flying Spaghetti Monsters work, or whichever sky monster they pray to). thats some serious FaithBased reaching out. i think that some FSM folk should get down to nola with their tee-shirts.

i found this story in the paper:
"Among aid workers in New Orleans was a group from the Church of Scientology. Wearing yellow T-shirts, a couple of dozen worked out of a yellow tent set up downtown beneath a banner reading "something can be done.
The Scientologists offered massages to police and rescue workers but said they were not there to proselytize." (from here)

i sent this email to bobby - the first fsm disciple:
"i thought this might be a great opportunity for us to proselytize the pasta posse - perhaps our tee-shirts could read "some things can be well done (others ought be al dente)" or some such. or perhaps we could donate mass amounts of cous-cous to nola, it is almost-nearly pasta - and it has amazing absorbent properties. perhaps we could do jeebus one better - he could only turn a little bit of bread and fish into a lot of breads and fishes - but he struggled with the dual-purpose thing. if His Noodleness could provide the city with a whole bunch of cous-cous, then perhaps we could both drain, and ease the hunger-pain. or we could save the levee, with the leaven. or maybe we could part the red seas, with the split peas.

i know what you're thinking, none of this actually fits the FSM perfectly - close, but no cigar and all that. i can hear you saying 'but spaghetti is leaven!' and 'split peas arent cous-cous isnt pasta' and all that - but do you think the early versions of the bible worried about such inconsistencies? (or the latter ones, now that you mention it) - No! so if we float these ideas now, after a thousand or so iterations of chinese whispers, the stories will evolve (gasp!) into something that makes (internallly-consistent) sense within a generation or so.


in any case - if you can get some people down in nola wearing FSM approved tee-shirts, offering reiki or hotdogs or something, then before long we'll be encroaching on geography and economics lessons in school.

bene penne


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