Monday, September 26, 2005

peace on the march

adam weighs in on the media coverage of the rally:
"In regards to the If it wasn't for the fact that I'm on the email list of (and a few others), I never would have even be fair, there was a story on "Huge rally against Iraq war"), but not a peep on TV. Just Rita, rita, rita...Maybe if it had rained they'd get more coverage.
(by the way, check out the photo they used....makes it look like some hippie/vegan/Dead Head rally...which it obviously wasn't...also note how they mentioned the 'counter rally'..even though it was just 150 people..."

***Update! Just as I was about to send this, I heard a teaser on CNN Headline News about the protest - "...both for and against" the war. 10 minutes later it came on - and just for fun I timed the segment: 20 seconds on the anti-war protest ('more than 100,000 people...'), and 15 seconds on the anti-rally protest ('more than 5 groups gathered to protest the rally,...(close ups of 3-5 people, no mention of the size...although it obviously would have been easy enough to get an exact count of the 150 or so))...

So, 100,000 people get 20 seconds, and 150 people get 15 seconds. For those doing the math, that's about 500 times more coverage time per protester for the war than against the war...

I guess that's the new meaning of fair and balanced..."
its so disheartening - and so predictable. the reports here in australia was appalling - similar to what adam described, but with another 15 seconds or so of arrests.

Gilliard tees off about the fragmented message of the rally, which is somewhat legitimate, and wolcott agrees: "The right never makes that mistake. They enforce a message discipline."

I agree that the Right are good at what they do, but i dont think we'll ever be able to mimic it, im not even sure that we want to be like them, but it does hurt us. the problem is that even if we did have great message discipline, the media will never be ale to get past their narrative, and the TV pics will necessarily show someone wearing a greenpeace tee-shirt or some shit.

Remarkably, the media even manages to marginalise nuns who might be marching for peace - like its something kooky or whatever.

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