Monday, October 17, 2005

Former Hill staffer

* joshmarshall has a great post about an incredible peek-behind-the-curtain passage in judyjudy's story: "Mr. Fitzgerald asked about a notation I made on the first page of my notes about this July 8 meeting, "Former Hill staffer.""

* "On ABC with George S, Bob Bennett reiterates Judy doesn't remember. George asks if she sat in jail for 85 days for a source she doesn't remember. Nice." (link)

* condi rice was on MTP and it appears as though she may have testified in the traitorgate case. she also made some absurd statement about bravely, boldly tackling iraq instead or alqaeda, as well as explaining that she really really isnt a token.

* frankrich: " Whether or not Mr. Fitzgerald uncovers an indictable crime, there is
once again a victim, but that victim is not Mr. or Mrs. Wilson; it's the nation. It is surely a joke of history that even as the White House sells this weekend's constitutional referendum as yet another "victory" for democracy in Iraq, we still don't know the whole story of how our own democracy was hijacked on the way to war."

* wolcott: "Let us not be too harsh on Judith Miller herself, however. She was caught up in the hypnotic voodoo of highstakes journalism. We've all been there. All of us veteran reporters who risk our parking privileges in pursuit of a hot story know what it's like to have strange words leap into your notebook out of nowhere in the middle of an intense interrogation.
You're sitting there having breakfast at the St. Regis with Scooter Aspen, buttering each other's toast, and somehow the name "Valerie Flame" pops up in your notebook without you knowing how it got there! It's your handwriting, sure enough, but rack your brain much as you will, you just can't remember which little birdie tweeted that name into your ear." (link)

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