Friday, October 07, 2005

God doesnt need the bad press.

* "President George W. Bush allegedly told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, the BBC will report in a program slotted to run Oct. 17"
i bet God is telling him to STFU. God doesnt need the bad press.

* josh holland has a great piece on the scandal of the oil4food scandal - it includes this snippet: "Chalabi confidant Judith Miller chipped in with 15 stories about OFF for The New York Times." (link)

* "This exercise in cronyism (Miers) has given pause even to such organs of the extreme right as the Wall Street Journal, which published an editorial expressing reservations about the Miers nomination, and an op-ed column excoriating it. The op-ed columnist even suggested that placing a crony on the Supreme Court might constitute an impeachable offense. He added, “Imagine the reaction of Republicans if President Clinton had nominated Deputy White House Counsel Cheryl Mills, who had ably represented him during his impeachment proceedings, to the Supreme Court.”
The mention of impeachment is not without significance... Placing a White House loyalist on the Supreme Court may thus have a practical as well as political significance. In the event the unfolding political crisis in the United States culminates, as is possible, in legal charges being brought against current or former US government officials, Bush knows that he will have at least one vote in his pocket on the highest US court." (link)

* "The president’s talk of deploying troops to enforce quarantines has no precedent as a public health measure in the US. Historically, quarantines have been applied against individuals and families diagnosed with an infectious disease, or used in extreme circumstances to prevent the congregation of large groups of people in areas where a disease is spreading.
But sealing off whole regions of the country by military force and preventing anyone from entering or leaving them has more in common with civil war measures than preventive health care." (link)

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