Wednesday, October 26, 2005

hadley and niger forgeries

* "Asked in 1999 about Clinton's impeachment by the House, Bush responded, "I would have voted for it. I thought the man lied."" (link)

* Dana Milbank and Walter Pincus have a slam piece on Joe Wilson for some reason - slamming him mostly becuase he likes John Kerry and cos he is *gasp* conspicuous. (link)

* here's an odd comment from froomkin: "Libby recently broke a bone in his foot, ostensibly while running up stairs." (link)

* apparently the nyt made a mistake when it said that cheney was under oath - could the nyt possibly ruin their reputation any further with this story? (not that it matters - if he lied to a prosecutor, the crime is different but the penalty is the same)

* there's a lot of news coming out of italy re the niger forgeries. the important news seems to be that Hadley was neck-deep in them. Laura Rozen thinks that it goes part of the way to explain why the 'get wilson' campaign was so vociferous - although it still doesnt explain it to me.

* (remember hadley took the sword on the 16 words)

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