Saturday, October 29, 2005

hadley / pollari /condi meeting

* laura rozen, niger guru, is reporting that condi was at the hadley / pollari meeting. hmmmm. delicious.

* here is an interesting compendium of traitorgate responses from the right wingers

* i dont have a clue where the 'plame' thing came from - but fitz never mentioned it

* lehrer finally got around to discussing traitorgate.

* "Some GOP loyalists dismissed yesterday's indictment as a blip that will quickly be forgotten. "If we are going to reach conclusions about stains on the presidency, let's wait until he's [Libby] convicted," said veteran GOP strategist Charles R. Black. Calling Bush's administration "remarkably clean," he added: "The amazing thing is that they went almost five years without having any kind of scandal."" (link)
amazing indeed charlie. you fucking moron. this is truly the first inkling that any of us had that there was something wrong with these people.

* "John D. Podesta, who was chief of staff to Clinton, said Bush may be more constrained by his troubles than Clinton was by his. Noting that Clinton's approval ratings remained above 60 percent throughout the impeachment battle, while Bush's are in the low 40s, Podesta said, "When Clinton said, 'I'm going back to do my work,' people cheered," Podesta said. "When Bush says, 'I'm going to do the job I've been doing,' people say, 'Oh, no.' "" (link)

* isabel has an article up at israelinsider

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quick, put the spambot collector up top again!