Tuesday, October 04, 2005

harriet miers. harriet iscariot.

* digby on Miers: "It's important to recognize, finally, what Karl Rove and the Bush administration, with the help of the modern Republican apparatus under Tom DeLay, Grover Norquist and Ralph Reed is all about. They are building a political machine, not a political movement. I find it very amusing that the right wing "intellectuals," from their ivory tower think tanks and millionaire supported sinecures at political magazines, have still failed to recognize that." (link)

* "There is now talk among some conservatives about a filibuster of the Miers nomination" (link)
ha ha ha ha

* the other day i mentioned that Harriet Myers might be the scotus pick - it turns out that rumour was on the money. the good news is that the fetus folk are likely to go crazy. the bad news is the Myers is a longtime Bush water-carrier. the good news is that Bush seems to have appointed her because he is scared that he'll have to rely on SCOTUS in the near future. the bad news is that she might be reliable. the good news is that she hasnt been vetted yet - and it'll be fun watching the Dems interrogate her re GTECH and TRMPAC and ben barnes/TANG and all the rest. it'll be fun to see what sort of recusal statement miers will have to sign before she gets ehr job.

* "Although we don't know much about Miers, it's likely that, like John Roberts, she was picked with a view toward protecting executive power... Third, Miers is a "stealth" candidate... Presidents will turn to such candidates when they have to please many different constituencies in their party and when they face the prospect of a significant confirmation fight if they choose an ideological stalwart... Choosing a stealth candidate is a sign that the President wants to avoid a fight, either because he is in a relatively weak political position, because he fears that his supporters disagree among themselves, or because he would rather expend his energies and influence elsewhere. All three of these seem to be the case right now." (link)

* Laura Rozen on Miers: "Democrats, Rejoice: Right Says Wrong on Harriet Miers" (link)

* william Kristol: "I'm depressed. Roberts for O'Connor was an unambiguous improvement. Roberts for Rehnquist was an appropriate replacement. But moving Roberts over to the Rehnquist seat meant everything rode on this nomination--and that the president had to be ready to fight on constitutional grounds for a strong nominee. Apparently, he wasn't. It is very hard to avoid the conclusion that President Bush flinched from a fight on constitutional philosophy." (link)

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