Thursday, October 13, 2005

indict cheney, then impeach Bssh

* "At her second appearance before the grand jury, Times reporter Judith Miller took questions for more than an hour after turning over notes detailing her June 23, 2003, conversation with Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis Libby. An entry in her notes referred to Joseph Wilson, covert CIA operative Valerie Plame's diplomat husband... Miller was tight-lipped as she left the federal courthouse. "No comment today," her attorney, Robert Bennett, said." (link)

* "President George W. Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove, has also been summoned to make a fourth appearance before the grand jury, most likely on Friday" (link)

* wsj: " Karl Rove, the White House deputy chief of staff and senior adviser to the president, is expected to testify for a fourth time to the grand jury, most likely Thursday." (link)

* "(miller) made a second appearance Wednesday to disclose a third conversation in late June that she had previously failed to mention to the grand jury.
Her appearance Wednesday, which lasted about an hour and 15 minutes, won her a judge's order releasing her from the contempt-of-court citation that landed her in jail... The lifting of the order is significant, because it opens the door for Ms. Miller to disclose details of her story and her testimony to the Times" (link)

* "Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is trying to determine whether Vice President Dick Cheney had a role in the outing of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame-Wilson, individuals close to Fitzgerald have confirmed." (link)

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