Wednesday, October 05, 2005

medical internment

* jeebus. President Blinky is talking about medical internment enforced by the military. i raised this issue a couple of years ago.

* xymphora on libby/miller: "The logic is inescapable. They have to be protecting the most powerful man in the world, and the next President of the United States, Dick Cheney." (link)

* professional wingnut hindrocket: "A second possibility (about the Miller/Fitz deal) seems more likely: Surprisingly, most people are unaware that Miller is involved in a controversy over a leak that is far more serious than the relatively trivial Plame matter. Shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Miller learned from a leaker in the federal government that the FBI intended to raid the offices of an Islamic "charity" that was suspected of being a terrorist front." (link)
perhaps we can add that one to the odd quadrella of abromoff/norquist links to terrorism?

* gilliard: "There are things worse than Bush's presidency. Like Hastert's." (link)
jeebus. is that true? i dont know enuff about hastert to comment.

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