Thursday, October 20, 2005

more on the traitorgators

* everyone is pointing to this NYDN article - the money-quote:
"A second well-placed source said some recently published reports implying Rove had deceived Bush about his involvement in the Wilson counterattack were incorrect and were leaked by White House aides trying to protect the President."
no surprise there - but its funny given that the WH recently tried to pretend that Blinky was shocked, shocked to hear that Karl was involved. what we do know is that president blinky was lying all along about trying to find the leaker, and we know that everyone was lying all along when they said that they were cooperating, and we know that blinky was lying when he said that leakers are hard to trace, and we know that he was lying when he said he'd fire anyone involved, and we know that he's allowed these people to keep their security clearances, despite the damage they could do.

the one thing that we dont know yet, is whether Blinky knew in advance of the leak...

and the most amazing thing of all that we need to keep in mind is all those articles in the last couple of weeks that kept saying that repugs are much more worried about the Abramoff thing than the traitorgate thing - as best as i could tell, they werent trying to down-play traitorgate, they seemed to know exactly how bad traitorgate is going to be, and it still pales by comparison.


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