Thursday, October 20, 2005

One Good Move - or one ungood move

* norm over at OneGoodMove has a post about some apparently secret, insider information re the traitorgators. norm doesnt usually peddle this sort of stuff, so i cant comment on the accuracy. there are a couple of tips when reading it, he calls Fleitz "Flights" - so he is apparently taking notes from a phone call, and he also says that its surprising news that hadley will be indicted - its probably not very surprising that hadley is toast - so its probably nonsense - i wonder why that story is going out tho...
OTOH, the site is fantastic for seeing videos - particularly bill maher and jon stewart - better even than C&L - so go there often.

* the larry wilkerson vid is avialable here. great to hear him speaking out. where the fuck were all these people in the last 3 years while the rest of us could see exactly what was going on????

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