Friday, October 14, 2005

"the same style" as Zawahiri

* Left I: " Remember when the U.S. government wouldn't allow tapes from bin Laden or Zawahiri to be broadcast on TV, using the excuse that there might be "hidden messages" in the broadcast that they couldn't allow to be transmitted? Now they release a 6,000-word letter from Zawahiri which could contain dozens of hidden messages for all they know. Curious, eh?" (link)

* Guardian headline: "Revealed: Al-Qaida plan to seize control of Iraq"
they then ramble for 15 para's working on the assumption that the 'letter' is authentic, then we hit a slight bump:
"Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper, who has met bin Laden and Zawahiri, said the Arabic version of the letter is well-written and has "the same style" as Zawahiri.
"I think it is fairly authentic but I can't tell 100%," he said, adding that the ideas it contains are "typical Zawahiri"."
and then a larger bump in the road:
"Neil Quilliam, an analyst at security consultants Control Risks, thought the letter should be treated with caution. "It's a very interesting time for it to be released," he said, referring to concerns about Sunni participation in Iraq's constitutional referendum on Saturday."
in a different article, the Guardian 'publishes' 'extracts' without mentioning the dubious provenance of the 'letter'

the Guardian used to be a great paper, only 6 short months ago :-(

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