Thursday, November 24, 2005

Francis Brooke in more trouble?

* some more highlights from my server logs. there are a few people looking into our friend Francis Brooke. Francis, you might remember, is basically the head organiser of the INC, and was fingered by Richard Sale as one of the Fitzmas indictments. in any case, i had someone from Halliburton in Houston who appears very interested in Francis - any more importantly, someone from the office of the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate... and who is that?
"As chief law enforcement officer of the Senate, the Sergeant at Arms is charged with maintaining security in the Capitol and all Senate buildings, as well as protection of the members themselves. The Sergeant at Arms serves as the executive officer of the Senate for enforcement of all rules of the Committee on Rules and Administration regulating the Senate Wing of the Capitol and the Senate Office Buildings and has responsibility for and immediate supervision of the Senate floor, chamber and galleries. The Sergeant at Arms is authorized to arrest and detain any person violating Senate rules, including the President of the United States."
If i was Francis Brooke, that wouldnt be good news - nor if i was a senator who had ever dealt with him...

from my earlier report on Brooke:
"Some of the INC's intelligence on Iraq's alleged arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and Saddam's supposed ties to militant Islamic groups are reportedly funneled directly to the office of Vice President Dick Cheney by Francis Brooke, the DC lobbyist for the group."
The OVP - home of Cheney and Libby and Addington and Edelman and a few others... Cheney of course, is the only 'senator' in the OVP. the plot thickens...

and who knew POTUS could be arrested???

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