Tuesday, November 22, 2005

John Rendon and Curveball

* rollingstone has an article called "The Man Who Sold the War" about john rendon. apparently its a must read, but i havent read it yet. for those of you who have been paying attention, theres' probably not a lot thats really new - but everyone should know the story.

* amy goodman has an interview with the journo of the Rendon story.

* similarly, the LAT has a long piece about Curveball, again, apparently a must read but i havent got to it yet - even those who generally know the story are saying "its worse than you thought"

* both the curveball and the rendon pieces have chalabi and the INC at the core - and dont forget that on fitzmas eve, richard sale was confident that Francis Brooke from the INC would be indicted. (its difficult to know whether all those pre-fitzmas stories about who was gonna be indicted were inaccurate or just early.)

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