Wednesday, November 09, 2005

scooter libby pardon

* arianna: "I hear that a number of powerful Democratic senators are working behind the scenes on a plan to force the issue. According to Democratic Party sources, Hillary Clinton, as well as Reid, among others, are trying to put together a strongly worded letter to the president, calling on him to publicly pledge that he will not pardon Libby. The hope is to have the letter signed by all 44 Democratic senators."

* "Democrats on the Senate intelligence committee want the right to interview top policymakers or speechwriters as part of the inquiry into whether the Bush administration exaggerated or misused intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq war, Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.), the panel's vice chairman, said yesterday." (link)
ouch - interviewing speechwriters is brilliant.

* "Due to a problem with Electronic Voting Machines in Los Angeles County, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was told he had already voted when he showed up at the polls today to cast his ballot in the Special Election that he himself declared for California today!" (link)
brilliant. thank diebold for democracy

* lehrer is doing a segment about blinky's failed 'free-trade' trip down south - the lead-in? "why the free-trade agreement has yet to happen" - lol. and they are doing a story on torture called "Torture Rules" !!! incredible.

* for those who dont want to arrest chalabi in DC on wednesday, steve clemons suggests that you do it in NYC on Friday (unless those pesky washingtonians beat u to it)

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