Monday, November 14, 2005

war crimes in fallujah

* john cusack has a great post over at huffpost: "One question for any Democrat: Who will have the balls to get us out of Iraq? ??If the Democrats don't step up and fill this vacuum, the Republicans will. They will take us out of Iraq. And then the Democrats will be left holding the bag -- first as the enablers who let the Republicans take us into an unnecessary and immoral war, and then as the whipping boys who stood by while the Republicans kept justifying what was clearly an unnecessary and immoral war." and " If these men are not impeached and thrown in jail, we truly are approaching the end of days."
damn hollywood liberals.

* chris floyd discusses the war crimes in fallujah. go read. (for a more entertaining version, see hunter - here and here)

* "The next time Bush declares that "they (Muslims) hate us for our freedom and democracy," someone should ask him how there can be freedom and democracy without habeas corpus." (link)
the good news is that they cant hate us any more - our freedom and democracy are gone

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