Wednesday, November 09, 2005

white phosphorus

* Robert Higgs, a senior fellow in political economy at the Independent Institute.: "Inasmuch as President Bush has so clearly violated his oath of office, exceeded his constitutional power, and contravened the supreme law of the land, one wonders why he has not been impeached for his high crimes. Can the answer be that we now live in a lawless society, where the strong simply do as they please, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Constitution or the laws?" (link)

* "A U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad said he did not recall white phosphorus being used in Falluja. "I do not recall the use of white phosphorus during the offensive operations in Falluja in the fall of 2004," Lieutenant Colonel Steven Boylan said.
The use of incendiary weapons against civilians has been banned by the Geneva Convention since 1980." (link)

* steve clemons reckons that chalabi should be arrested by citizens in DC

* clemons also has a great post about todays hardball - see it if you can (replay @ 7pm). it sounds great. here is one quote: "When the CIA discounted the aluminum tubes as probably designed for artillery shells and not nukes -- the Bush administration warned the CIA to make no such disclosure. When ElBaradei's International Atomic Energy Agency made the same assessment as the CIA, the White House discounted the IAEA findings."

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