Friday, December 09, 2005

Did you hear anything about the b-word?

* froomkin: "Here are the results of a fascinating, open-ended question: "Why do you think the Bush Administration decided to go to war against Iraq?"
Protect our oil interests, 17 percent; Protect the U.S. from terrorism, 15 percent; Finish what his father started/personal vendetta, 13 percent; To get Saddam Hussein, 10 percent; Protect the U.S. from WMDs, 9 percent; Because of 9/11, 8 percent; Protect the country in general, 4 percent; Administration officials wanted to go to war, 2 percent; Promote democracy/peace in Middle East, 2 percent; Free Iraqi people, 1 percent; So American companies can make money, 1 percent." (link)
lol - fascinating indeed.

* sid blumenthal: "Rice's legal interpretations were authoritative, bland and bogus. It is hard to say whether they should be called Orwellian for their intentional falsity or Kafkaesque for their unintentional absurdity." (link)

* from a comment over at tlc: "It is patently clear that everyone connected with Bushco has adopted Torture as a modus operandi-- as in TORTURING the English language... We should just label the whole sorry affair "Scrabble-gate"... for Bushco's shameful parsing of words and obfuscation"
scrabble-gate. thats kinda funny.

* ""I never heard the word 'bomb' on the plane," McAlhany told TIME in a telephone interview. "I never heard the word bomb until the FBI asked me did you hear the word bomb. That is ridiculous." Even the authorities didn't come out and say bomb, McAlhany says. "They asked, 'Did you hear anything about the b-word?'" he says. "That's what they called it."" (link)
the B-Word? thats outrageous. as i said, another 'dead brazilian'

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