Sunday, December 11, 2005

'Eric Bana is FUCKING HOT'

i never post stuff like this - but it made me laugh.

jane hamsher: "I've been dying to see Spielberg's Munich, and not just because I am shallow and Eric Bana is FUCKING HOT."

jane has a special place in my heart, but to hear "Eric Bana is FUCKING HOT" is really funny. eric is an aussie - and i dont know what he is up to now - but his earlier days were as a dorky comic guy - with the highlight being a role in perhaps the funniest australian movie of all time "The Castle." when i say 'the funniest', i mean 'the funniest for an australian audience' - i imagine that non-australians might not find it funny.

in any case - my point was that it was very weird to hear jane hamsher scream from the rafters that eric is FUCKING HOT!

my life is dedicated to blogging - so i dont follow film - but i understand that Bana got his 'break' in the Incredible Hulk - apparently he had fewer lines in the movie than Stallone in Rambo - and now he is an uber-hero. congratulations Eric - but keep your hands off jane!

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