Friday, December 23, 2005

froomkin impeachment

* "GWB isn't stupid. But the Bush II Administration -- except for its mastery of partisan politics, its capacity to keep the Republicans on the Hill in lockstep, and its brilliant media control -- is an idiot studying to be a moron, and not studying nearly hard enough." (link)

* froomkin: "Liberal bloggers are pointing to, and stacking the results of, this entirely unscientific poll on MSNBC. "Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment?" Last I checked "Yes, between the secret spying, the deceptions leading to war and more, there is plenty to justify putting him on trial" was winning 87 to 12.
Perhaps a scientific poll is called for."
he does snark very well

* fox is in a tizzy because the LiberalMedia is reporting that saddam claims that he was tortured by the americans. they even have a friggin poll: "is the liberal media defending saddam too much?"

* fox news text on the screen: "The Cost of Freedom. will govt spying push stocks higher?"
abso-fucking-lutely un-fucking-believable.
no history of these times will ever be complete without a deep, deep understanding of fox news (and the effect they had on other media outlets).

* wapo has a funny piece on ari2 called "Unanswer Man" - i loved this: "McClellan, a Methodist, is reading Rick Warren's bestseller, "The Purpose-Driven Life.""
get the man some crystalmeth.

* everyone's favourite new blogger glenn greenwald has a great post up about fear. go read the lot, but here's the conclusion: " A nation which is driven and shaped by fear is not a nation that will be bold or courageous, nor is it one that will make rational choices. Hysteria and paranoia have never been the American national character, but along with the founding principles of our Republic, the Bush era seems to be changing that, too."

* you might know that one of the excuses that the polling companies give when justifying their decision not to poll on impeachment has been that they cant ask the question because no leading dems have called for impeachment. in this post, digby explains that they poll about other issues without requiring the 'leading dems' to raise an issue - such as "immediate withdrawal from iraq"

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