Saturday, December 10, 2005

Karen Nussle

my investigation into bksh continues - but we take a short detour into public television.

apparently not everything bksh touches doesnt turn to gold.

pbs decided that they needed some lobbying services, and for one reason or other, chose bksh. given that Charlie Black sits on the board of the American Conservative Union and other such organisations, bksh was the perfect hire to help them survive the multi-decade onslaught from tomlinson and the gop.

and who did bksh put in charge of the account?
Karen Nussle is a legislative strategist, providing strategic counsel on legislative and communications initiatives for many clients. She has 10 years of lobbying and Capitol Hill experience where she worked for Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich developing and implementing legislative and communication strategies for the Republican leadership and the Speaker.
with friends like these... caveat emptor. pbs paid bsk $180,000 a year - over at least 4 years. for a repuglican staffer. no wonder they are in so much strife.

maybe im being a bit harsh. she isnt all bad, right? here's salon
"According to a knowledgeable source, one outside lobbyist for PBS, Karen Nussle, the wife of Rep. Jim Nussle, R-Iowa, told executives at the network that if they went ahead and aired the disputed "Buster" episode, she would not be able to help them politically. "She's a good representative to the Republican Congress, and if they lost her that would set the relationship back and PBS would be left exposed on the Hill," says the source"
'Buster', if you remember, was the cute animated bunny rabbit on pbs. in one episode, Buster went to visit some friends in a gay-luvvin state - and one of the friends had 2 mums.

you may have also noticed that karen is married to a Rep. He's quite an influential Rep. Chairman, U.S. House Committee on the Budget and is also on the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means and recently announced he will run for Governor of Iowa in 2006.

He "paints himself as a family-values conservative, although he went through an adultery-drenched divorce (he and 2nd wife Karen being the guilty parties) from his first wife" (link)

karen is the best lobbyist PBS could find? i think not. at least she didnt poach staff from pbs then?
"The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) announced today the resignation of Laura Nichols, senior vice president, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs. Ms. Nichols leaves her current position on September 5. After this date, she will work in conjunction with Karen Nussle, a director for BKSH & Associates, to consult on matters of corporate communications with PBS."
so what good did she do? and why did pbs hire her (and bksh)?

and to wrap up, this description of her from her husbands website:
"About Karen

Karen Nussle, who lives in Manchester, Iowa with her husband Jim, is an adjunct professor in the Communications Department at the University of Dubuque teaching Introduction to Public Speaking and a core curriculum course for sophomores called World View Seminar 2, which teaches citizenship, social values and vocation.

Prior joining the University of Dubuque, Karen had a successful career as a public and government relations professional.

Karen also serves on the Board of Directors of the International Rett Syndrome Association, where she helps to raise awareness and research dollars for this neurological disorder that afflicts young girls.

In addition to helping Jim with his campaign efforts, Karen is an active Republican activist. During the 2004 presidential race, she served as the co-chair of Iowa's chapter of 'W Stands for Women', a group that worked to promote President George W. Bush and his accomplishments on behalf of women."

PBS' lobbyist was a GeorgeBush crony.

bill moyers must be rolling in his gravy

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