Thursday, December 08, 2005

Michael Mack. Dirty Young Republican

* laura rozen: " Anyhow, (condi's) doublespeak campaign doesn't seem to be anything but one huge PR and diplomatic disaster. Never seen such negative press coverage of a Secretary of State on a trip abroad in my lifetime. And it's not Rice that is the problem. It's the policy."

* laura points to this which is a lobbying contract between two of wilkes' companies - Group W is registered to lobby for PureAcqua. laura wondered if it was weird that a purported lobbyist and client share the same office. something else stuck out to me - the lobbyist is a guy called Michael Mack. it turns out that he was until recently also The Chairman, Young Republican National Federation. fancy that.

Dirty Young Republicans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ALL of the companies that Group W registered as lobbyist for are also Wilkes companies- some even sharing the same address either in Poway , VA or DC.

( from - Group W Advisors registered as lobbyists for the following Wilkes companies/fronts)

PerfectWave technologies
Optimum Composite Design
Archer Defense
Mailsafe Inc.
Acoustical Communications Systems
GTS Globalift
Pure Aqua technologies how do we know they are Wilkes fronts...just do a whois search a the IP address for any of these companies and you'll see there are in total some 37 fronts/dummies registered to the same IP at Wilkescorp.