Monday, December 26, 2005

nader: "the most impeachable President and Vice President in American history"

* "And it appears that Americans are increasingly turning away from the president in rightful disgust. A recent poll here on WorldNetDaily showed that 45 percent of WND readers – who tend to lean strongly Republican – believe that George Bush deserves to be impeached." (link)
wow. i didnt see that one.

* ralph nader: "George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are probably the most impeachable President and Vice President in American history.... Both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney should resign. They have disgraced their office and bled the nation. They have shattered the public trust in so many serious ways that will only become worse in the coming months." (link)
(i'll never forgive Nader's schiavo nosnense, but i'll take his impeachment call)

* dave lindorff is reporting that the FBI actually does have the blackboxes from nyc on 911. its an odd thing for them to lie about. (link)

* all i wanted for xmas was to be able to spend an hour inside james wolcott's mind as he reads The Corner. alas. i do hope to continue getting glimpses into his inner snark through his writing. though. thats gift enough.

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