Sunday, December 04, 2005

Robert parry: will we commit genocide in iraq?

* " Rep. Waxman Calls on Committee to Investigate Military Propaganda" (link)

* robert parry wonders if the americans will commit genocide in iraq

* "The FBI has reopened an inquiry into one of the most intriguing aspects of the pre-Iraq war intelligence fiasco: how the Bush administration came to rely on forged documents linking Iraq to nuclear weapons materials as part of its justification for the invasion...
The FBI's decision to reopen the investigation reverses the agency's announcement last month that it had finished a two-year inquiry and concluded that the forgeries were part of a moneymaking scheme — and not an effort to manipulate U.S. foreign policy." (link)
thats kinda odd that they would close it down and re-open within a month. they didnt get ridiculed that much for their decision to close it down... i wonder what the battle behind the scenes looks like. fascinating.

* kagro x: "So, do we sit on our hands? Wait out the next three years and just hope it gets no worse, and then never happens again? Or vindicate what we believe we've discovered? If we do, we're doomed. If we don't, we're doomed.
We can't take on the lunatic king, lest he use the king's power to brand us lunatics. When the sovereign power derives from the consent of the governed, he's both lunatic and king, and so are we. Where will our fancy take refuge?" (link)

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