Tuesday, January 24, 2006

another man's penis

* sibel's interview with alexjones is available for download here (i haven't listened yet - more later) (thnx Mike)

* "Condoleezza Rice said on Monday there was strong international consensus against Iran's nuclear plans and time had run out for talking to Tehran." (link)

* " Libby's defense team hinted in a court document last Friday that they will want to disclose to a jury the nature of Plame's work as a CIA operative." (link)

* "(Clemons) has been told that senior Congressional leaders, including senior Democratic officials, were given a top secret briefing on Tuesday, 17 January, on potential military options against Iran... people need to be aware that there is a serious effort underway to legitimate "early military action" against Iran." (link)

* "(James Woolsey) will release new polling data from Public Opinion Strategies showing that an overwhelming majority of Americans strongly opposes Iran's development of nuclear weapons. In addition, most Americans would support the U.S. joining with other countries to initiate "a limited military action to destroy Irans ability to make nuclear weapons."" (link)

* "Polls suggest that Americans are divided over whether Mr. Bush has the authority to order the searches without warrants that critics say violate the law and that the president says are legal and critical to the nation's security." (link)
this stuff drives me batty. you can't have a public poll about whether the preznit has authority or not. either he does or he doesn't - it's not a popularity contest.

* digby is depressed: "But I also don't know if I can take this campaign one more time. Five years of hearing the same thing over and over again and watching American sheeple fall for it over and over again is just too depressing. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to January 20, 2009 (and I'm of an age where rushing the future is no longer wise.) The day I no longer have to listen to one more word from this immoral, dishonest, incompetent, delusional prick will be the best day of my life." (link)
these times are so unusual, that i'm not even sure that we can hang our hat on january 2009.

* digby is also weirding out: "What Bush's henchmen are doing makes jamming a finger inside another man's penis look like a gentle caress." (link)

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