i wonder if we can reverse engineer this process and discover what else Blinky has been doing, but shouldn't? what are the odd things that he says repeatedly when he drifts off script? any odd denials?
* congrats to oregon on their assisted suicide ruling. roberts, scalia and thomas were in the minority. dissent is treason. death: scary if you are republican
* great to see that nagin got slammed for saying that God is angry at america. it's a shame that virtually none of the media reported that God was angry because, for example, america illegally invaded and continues to bomb iraq. sheesh.
* athenae gets ranty about the pizza delivery/spying story:
"That they're not keeping us safe, that they're not being honest, that they're not at all concerned about the cloud of suspicion this places over everything else they have ever done or will ever do. This is how we thought it was gonna go down, right? Exactly like this. Because this is the gang that can't shoot straight, the team that can't put a forkful of waffles in their mouths without coughing up the ball, the guys who've gone 0 for all in terrorism prosecutions, the guys who promised stockpiles of weapons where no weapons were, the guys who said every Middle Eastern man is the enemy. The guys who spied on Quakers and gay groups, peace activists, schoolteachers. These guys.
And these are the people whose offices we're supposed to respect? These are the people whose court nominees we grant deference to, the lawmakers who get the benefit of the doubt? These guys? When every new day brings new evidence that at the very least, it is exactly as bad as you thought, and on bad days it's worse, these guys we should listen to? Tell me again about serious people, Chris Matthews. Tell me again, Sue Schmidt, how the Democrats are just the same. Tell me one more time, Joe Lieberman, how we should stand behind our president, because I'm sitting here tonight and I'm reading this and I am not in the least surprised.
Disgusted. Enraged. Physically revolted at the idea that this is my country. Absolutely nauseous at what these people have done to it, to me, to you, to all of us. But I am not surprised.
And that may be the most horrifying thing of all, that by this point, they do this and all I can think of to say is yes, yes, we saw this coming, about a mile and a half back down the road."
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