Monday, January 16, 2006

the glenn greenwald blogcrush continues

the glenn greenwald blogcrush continues - mostly cos he can write paragraphs like these:
"Regardless of what else one thinks of the Iranian problem, one fact seems to have clearly emerged: in dealing with the Iranian threat, we are in a drastically weaker position, on almost every level, as a result of our invasion and ongoing occupation of Iraq. By severely limiting our options and consuming our resources, our war against a decrepit and impotent Saddam has made us less able to deal with real threats to our security – exactly what the dreaded war opponents insisted in advance would be the case if we went to war in Iraq.

The question of what to do about Iraq was depicted – and continues to be depicted – as a choice between courage and cowardice, strength and weakness, Churchillian resolve or Chamberlain-like appeasement. With this premise firmly in place, those who cheered on the war (from a safe distance) are courageous, manly fighters in the glorious, resolute mold of Churchill. Those who opposed the war, even on the most pragmatic and even hawkish grounds, are caricatured as cowardly pacifists wanting to appease our enemies and make America weak."
the rest of the post is equally strong.

speaking of iran, the drumming has certainly stepped up in the last few days. will the fear factor work again? there isn't a whole lot of msm skepticism.


PWhit said...

& how many Iranian troops have been prepositioned along the border?
Bush better not be that stupid or we just lost the army.

Anonymous said...

there's nuthin that could surprise me now in terms of his stupidity