Sunday, January 08, 2006

impeach blair

* "Yet 56 percent of respondents in an AP-Ipsos poll said the government should be required to first get a court warrant to eavesdrop on the overseas calls and e-mails of U.S. citizens when those communications are believed to be tied to terrorism." (link)
stupid 46%.

* who else has worn a wire? "The possibilities are close to endless. Did they get Jack Scanlon to wear a wire? Rep. Robert Ney? How about those who took deals in PlameGate? Would Karl Rove wear one to nail someone else and avoid going to jail? Will we see Congressmen do patdowns of each other before sitting down in fancy restaurants when they meet for lunch?" (link)

* "A LEADING British Army officer believes Prime Minister Tony Blair should be impeached for his role in the war in Iraq, the Mail on Sunday reported.
General Sir Michael Rose, a former UN commander in Bosnia, was quoted by the right-of-centre Mail on Sunday as saying: "I think the politicians should be held to account ... my view is that Blair should be impeached." (link)

* im not sure i commented last week when rawstory broke the story that it was scanlon's jilted fiance that broke the abramoff scandal. it'd be quite easy to joke about how 'it's always the way' or some such, but its probably more interesting that we dont see this sort of thing a lot more. there must be a circle of confidants/lovers/ex-gf's around every one of these creepy people who know some of their secrets.

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