Sunday, January 29, 2006

liberal Web logs

* i've mentioned before that google's fabled algorithms are totally screwy - i know it because i'm a beneficiary of the screwiness. for one reason or other - i consistently punch over my weight. way over. wotisitgood4 doesnt have many readers - probably more than it deserves - but if you google "truthiness" - I'm in the top 20 - out of 200,000 responses - and i hardly ever use the term. go figger. if google hands over their logs, the USG might come after me and inject me some some truthiness syrum. or something. hopefully i'll be able to withstand the syrum - otherwise they might learn that i'm a total hypocrite and that i love war and wanna give the preznit a blowjob (and not so that we can impeach him)

* teddy kennedy has a diary over at dkos: "The Senate Judiciary Committee hearings confirmed our worst fears, and we have to take the strongest possible stand against him.
We owe it to this generation and future generations of Americans to oppose any such nominee who will roll back the progress we've made."

* mort kondrake on beltwayboys said 'if dems win the huose, they'll probably impeach the president. i'm not kidding'

* the awesome melanie sloan has a new target. curt weldon's long-time friend and real-estate agent is a 'lobbyist' (from her bedroom) - apparently weldon tells firms to hire her... (link)

* fred barnes said that DiFi won't filibuster - but he's wrong and/or lying

* i was gonna make a comment yesterday that i'm so glad that the media seems to have gotten over its stupid "web logs" thing - only to see jim vandehei do it again in the wapo today: "First, liberal Web logs went after Democrats for selecting..."

* i'm amazed that the repugs scheduled the alito vote on the day of sotu. what are they thinking? if alito gets confirmed, then they miss out on much of the masturbatory celebration - and they only get to dominate one news cycle, instead of two - and if the vote fails, then it overshadows SOTU. any ideas?

* meanwhile, attytood wonders if it would make sense to have a temporary filibuster - just to destroy the sotu message. nice. (via redhedd)

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