Thursday, January 26, 2006

speaking of - i've been half looking at australia's own littlehitler john howard. it turns out that one of the most significant oil-4-food sanction busters was none other than an australian government-owned business called the Australian Wheat Board which paid something like $300m under the table to saddam.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Health expert Dr. Salman Rawaf, taking into account the WFP/FAO report, and his own findings from various medical organisations, described Iraq as ‘…18.8 million people in a refugee camp..’ Other observers went further: ‘A concentration camp with a population of 18 million, one third of which are children – of whom at least 100,000 are now dead, not from war but from hunger.’" (>>)

These were the results of the Iraq economic sanctions.

If Bush, Blair or Howard tried to starve 100,000 of their own children they would be driven from office in a heart beat.

I'm an aussie. My excuse-for-a-prime-minister Howard allows other people's children to die needlessly from his policies with barely a backward glance.

These are crimes against humanity.

But don't expect the Australian press to acknowledge this
- or even publish criticisms along these lines.
Nothing must be allowed to disturb public sentiment and bigotry.
This is what we have come to.