Thursday, January 12, 2006

"peeance, freeance"

* this guy makes the case that GeorgeWBush is a drunk, and solves a mystery for me:
"The dude is a serious boozer. He hasn't given up shit.

Grown up people don't show up for work, Monday morning, all bloodied and bruised--what is this guy? In Fight Club? Grown-up people don't say "peeance, freeance" in public and not even notice that they just said it. Grown up people don't disappear and retreat into seclusion at times of stress. Only to reappear with, again, bruises, contusions, and lacerations on their faces.

You know who does?

Hardcore, falling down, howling alcoholics."
i've always wondered where the peeance/freeance meme came from, and what the hell it means. if you click here you can listen fer yerself - preznitblinky actually says "peance, freeance" - apparently to mean peace and freedom. do listen.

it's almost like his brain doesn't work properly all the time. (perhaps that's because the brain is worrying about indictments and whatnot)

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