Friday, January 27, 2006

republican prostitues, literally.

* "According to the Texas subpoenas, the first deposit into PerfectWave's account at the Bank of Coronado was a $40,000 check from Bonita businessman William B. Adams, who had been Gelwix's partner in a previous venture named Eco Soil." (link)
hmm - i didnt know that is where they met. eco soil is a public company - i wonder if max made a lot of money out of it, given that they were 'partners'

* man. the whitehouse is going nuts trying to keep the bush/abramoff photos out of circulation. whats with that? is there a naked goat in the pic as well? (link)

* more about abramoff's (and norquist!) involvement with the apartheid movement in southafrica here

* george will: "But DeLay is as direct and uncomplicated as the tool that supplies his nickname — "The Hammer" — and his faults do not include being a whiner." (link)
of course he doesnt whine... read the rest. it's pretty funny.

* wolcott reckons that timmeh should have asked obama a range of questions, including: "3) If you were down to your last Oreo cookie would you eat it as snack, or throw it at Michael Steele?" (link)

* laura seems to be suggesting that republican officials have a callgirl operation on speed-dial. (link)

* laura points to this nyt article about people being nervous about googling certain phrases and she wonders whether the panopticon element is the exact point of the noise about spying.

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