Sunday, January 29, 2006

SOTU ( 16 words)

btw - i havent commented on left blogistan's blogswarminess lately. i don't think i've even mentioned the deborah howell thing, or either of the tim russert tidal waves, or the tweety matthews thing. or many of the other goings on...

but given that everyone is in that sort of mood - how about we make it a rule for the next 3 days that everytime a blogger mentions the upcoming SOTU we tie it back to iraq, niger and plame?

as of now - every time i mention sotu, i'm gonna write "sotu (16 words) " - just as a reminder that there's every reason to believe that every word the stupid president says on tuesday night is wrong and/or dangerous.

in my mind, the term SOTU is inextricably linked to those famous 16 words - the egadministration tried to minimise the impact of those war-creating lies by claiming that it was 'just a few words' - let's try to pre-emptively destroy any conceivable credibility in this upcoming speech by reminding everyone that it was THIS speech where those 16 words originated.

It was THIS speech where they lied us into the iraq war with 16 words

It was THIS speech where they lied about Joe Wilson's trip to Niger with 16 words

It was THIS speech which led to them outing Plame with 16 words

It was THIS speech where they weaseled and knowingly, intentionally tried to blame the brits with 16 words

It was THIS speech where they lied us into fears of mushroom clouds with 16 words

It was THIS speech where they lied us into 2000 dead american soldiers with 16 words

It was THIS speech where they lied us into killing 100,000+ Iraqis with 16 words

It was THIS speech where they lied us into not having National Guard available during Katrina with 16 words

It was THIS speech where they lied us into $200bn+ of waste with 16 words

It was THIS speech where they lied with 16 words to put Scooter Libby on trial

It was THIS speech where they lied which is why Karl Rove will soon be indicted

It was THIS speech where they lied and included those 16 words even though these claims had been taken out of earlier speeches because they knew they were lies.

It was THIS speech where they lied and said they didnt know how those 16 words were included

It was THIS speech where they lied with 16 words which led to Brewster Jennings being outed and unable to help keep us safe from WMD proliferation

It was THIS speech where they lied to us with 16 words about the fraudulent Niger documents

It was THIS speech where they lied us into fears of mushroom clouds with 16 words

It was THIS speech where they lied and had to retract those 16 words - but only when Joe Wilson caught them with their hand in the cookie jar

It was THIS speech where they lied with 16 words which will lead to impeachment

if i've forgotten anything, put them in the comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

60 dollar oil