Sunday, February 12, 2006

Administration's push against posse comitatus

* " It's begun to seem, recently, like something more than a super-cosmic coincidence that the Bush Administration has been carefully setting up a system whose every particular matches the classic template of dictatorial powers and political repression ('terror' is such an ugly term). The only thing glaringly missing from such a scheme would be a large, Federally-organized enforcement arm directly under the authority of the president -- and smarter people than us have already been scratching their heads at the Administration's push against posse comitatus, and at the new Federal mystery-police thingo in the Patriot Act." (link)
read the rest

* josh: "One of Karl Rove's deputies is arranging for active duty military personnel to make speeches at Republican party events? The president is commander-in-chief. He's also head of the Republican party. But he's supposed to make at least some effort to show that the two jobs aren't melded into one."

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