Wednesday, February 15, 2006


driftglass talks about love on valentines day
"Everybody has been dumped.

Everyone has stepped off into that moment of relationship defenestration when you realize that there is nothing between your bare feet and the hard ground except a mile of cold air and gravity.

So through some weird alchemy, most of the people I know are “at liberty” right now, in some sense. Some are freshly divorced, and so that’s what we talk about. Some still walk with a limp from the last time they tried to jump the Relationship Cycle over 19 buses…and only cleared 18. Some are perennially single, or work inside a very loose arrangement where the distinction between whatever-it-is-they-do and singlehood is distinguishable only on a subatomic level.

Some date angry and always fuck it up.

Some are perfectly nice people who have just given that part of their lives up: Singlesville can be quite the abattoir full of charming monsters, or yet another Lucy holding a Heart-shaped football and whispering “trust me”, or folks with more emotional tics than a tasered mime and more baggage than the lost and found at O’Hare Airport. And at some point the probable downsides just exceeded the possible upsides by too many fathoms and they simply opted out of the game."
i qualify for the 'just given that part of their lives up' category.

to all the bloggers with partners of one description or other, apologise. now.

and those with jobs, apologise to yuor boss. now.

and those with partners and jobs, you are effing crazy - diamonds and chocolates all round.

and those bloggers who are about to put their toe back in the water, best of luck.

and to the she-bloggers i love the most - emptywheel, laura, reddhedd, jane, jeralyn, larisa, maha and whoever else - much bloggy-love

similarly, driftglass and glenn and digby and whoever else i've left off.

i will note that blogging is really 'hard work'. i understand the whole 'collective consciousness ' thing - and that's really cool - but i'm continually amazed that bloggers can actually be on top of a bunch of issues. i dont have any distractions and i cant possibly keep on top of everything. reading and writing and researching is basically impossible - yet the a-list bloggers seem to somehow do it. kudos to them.

take a look at any one of driftglass' posts and ask yourself how long it would take to compose something like that. or look at the depth of any post at fdl - and then consider how many posts they write in a single day, or consider the detail that is embedded in a post by emptywheel, and consider that the bloggers need to be on top of say, five republican scandals per day. imagnie for a moment that behind each post there's a bunch of emails, and comments on other posts, and chasing up leads that don't pan out and all the rest of it. we are kinda 'blessed' with this egadministration that it doesn't matter which rock we turn over, there's always something slimy - but still...

i tip my hat to them all.

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