Friday, February 24, 2006

Dennis Ross

* Clemons (a few weeks ago):
"Dennis Ross is raising money for Scooter Libby's Legal Defense Fund.... Libby is the first indicted White House official in over a century -- and is involved in a crime that the President of the United States himself was an outrageous violation of our national security. The involvement on the Libby Legal Defense Fund of Ross -- no matter how much he makes the case that he is a 25-year long friend of Libby -- looks like he is there to reinforce the Cheney/Libby connection to Israel -- and that those concerned about Israel should bail out Libby.""
* (via scott) Juan Cole (aug 04):
"Israeli government officials and people like Dennis Ross at the AIPAC-funded "Washington Institute for Near East Policy" keep saying that this (Larry Franklin) case makes no sense, since if Israel wanted to know something about US policy toward Iran, they could just make a call. This line of defense doesn't really help, though, since it suggests that there are no US government secrets to which Israel would be denied access on a simple request. That is an impossible proposition, and if it were true then it really would be the case that AIPAC runs the US government."

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