Tuesday, February 07, 2006


* the oft-sensible mark kleiman has a post supporting military action against Iran. his co-bloggers correctly pillory him here and here

* "(Larry) Wilkerson still sees this lapse as the result of a profound intelligence failure, saying, "I have to believe that. Otherwise I have to believe some rather nefarious things about some fairly highly placed people in the intelligence community and perhaps elsewhere."" (link)
i guess that means that he doesnt really believe it was an intelligence failure.

* instapundit: " The Iraqis can take comfort in this: "we are in danger of doing a far worse job rebuilding New Orleans than rebuilding Baghdad.""
i think he's being serious.

* Clemons: "Dennis Ross is raising money for Scooter Libby's Legal Defense Fund.... Libby is the first indicted White House official in over a century -- and is involved in a crime that the President of the United States himself was an outrageous violation of our national security. The involvement on the Libby Legal Defense Fund of Ross -- no matter how much he makes the case that he is a 25-year long friend of Libby -- looks like he is there to reinforce the Cheney/Libby connection to Israel -- and that those concerned about Israel should bail out Libby."

* " Many people see the DeLay/Santorum "K Street" project as simply a method to solidify connections between donors, lobbyists and Republicans, but who's to say that it couldn't also be seen as a way to prepare a comfy landing zone for Republicans when they left office?" (link)

* andrew sullivan just said "homosexuals" on anderson cooper.

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