Monday, February 20, 2006

it's not illegal if the president does it

* mark kleiman has some more entires in the new republican dictionary (link)

* laura: "Eye-opening Newsweek profile of Cheney's world. The last page sticks out:
... Around 9:35 on the morning of 9/11, Cheney was lifted off his feet by the Secret Service and hustled into the White House bunker. Cheney testified to the 9/11 Commission that he spoke with President Bush before giving an order to shoot down a hijacked civilian airliner that appeared headed toward Washington. (The plane was United Flight 93, which crashed in a Pennsylvania field after a brave revolt by the passengers.) But a source close to the commission, who declined to be identified revealing sensitive information, says that none of the staffers who worked on this aspect of the investigation believed Cheney's version of events."
it's not illegal if the president does it...

* glenn:
"This 50-state polling chart compiled by USA Survey is quite telling. Bush's approval rating is above 50% in only 6 states in the entire country, and Texas is not one of them. In 40 out of 50 states -- 80% of the country -- more people disapprove of Bush than approve of him.

Most revealing is Bush's intense and pervasive unpopularity in Ohio, the state which swung the election in his favor. People in Ohio disapprove of Bush's performance by an amazingly lopsided margin of 37-60%. Apparently, they're not happy that they have no jobs, their kids have no health insurance, their neighbors have been stuck and are being killed in an increasingly unpopular, endless and senseless war in Iraq, and the President is surrounded by cronyism and corruption and thinks he has the power to break the law. But at least gay couples can't get married, so that's good."


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Cheney invented that 'shoot down authorisation' to make it look as though the Pres. had been doing something. Nevertheless, the evidence is very strong for a mid air explosion or missile against Flight 93, a claim strongly denied by the government.

For what it's worth, most 911 conspiracy theorists believe Flight 93 was shot down because (a) debris was spread over 8 miles into an adjoining valley with little wind to move it there; (b) one of the engines landed over a mile from the impact site suggesting it broke off before impact.

There was another curious incident recounted before the 911 Commission by Secretary of Transportation Norman Minetta. He was in the PEOC with the VP. Cheney watched Flight 77 approach the Pentagon from 50 miles away - and did nothing!

Here is Mineta’s account:

"During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President, "The plane is 50 miles out." "The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got down to "the plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the Vice President, "Do the orders still stand?" And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?"

As the plane in question hit the Pentagon, what else can we conclude but that the order was not to shoot down the aircraft? Minetta stated that he did not know what the order was because he wasn't there when it was made.

We have a remarkable situation here. The evidence before us is that VP Cheney allowed Flight 77 to approach the Pentagon unchallenged.

What is the explanation for this incident? There isn't any.

Finally, while Minetta's transcript from the 911 Commission is available, the video record has been lost. There's a lot of that going around. All of the President's phone records for 911 were inadvertently erased as well.

Anonymous said...

The Ohioans had a set of Alice-in-Wonderland outcomes in their 2005 referendum issues. The gaps between the polls and the actual results would make anybody blush. One issue, allowing people to vote early or by mail in elections, was reputably polled at 59% in favour, 33% against on Nov 6. But, two days later, the official vote count showed 63.5% against, with just 36.5% in favor. Ohioans are justifiably pissed! (link)

Anonymous said...

jeebus damien - i didnt know that one... thnx

anon - yeah, ohio is a steaming pile... i cant believe they got away with that, or nov04