Saturday, February 25, 2006

Joe Wilson and CIA

* i'm rereading larisa's interview with Wilson (i'm kinda newly fascinated by it). i don't know what it means, but this is an odd exchange:
"Raw Story: How has the CIA “family” been in regard to all of this? Have they been supportive and concerned? I usually think of this as one would of any co-workers.

Wilson: I can’t really talk about that."
you'd think he could have trotted a safe answer out at that one without breaking omerta

this is also odd, somehow:
Raw Story: Does all contact have to be severed when something like this (plame's outing) happens?
Wilson: I pretty much cut off all contact and in any event, there has never been any shop talk around the house.
Why would Wilson be grumpy at the CIA family?

FWIW, by all acounts, Wilson still seems to believe that Plame was outed (by WHIG) to GetWilson

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