Thursday, February 02, 2006

mon dieu

* tristero: "The lying piece of Nazi-admiring trash California has the misfortune of having as a Governor doesn't have any money in his re-election fund. That's good news." (link)

* tristero: "We are not the radicals. To force women who wish to terminate their pregnancies - for whatever reason - to use coathangers - that's radical. And unspeakably cruel. To refuse to recognize, both legally and publicly, a couple in love - that's radical. And narrow-mindedly cruel. To base foreign policy on the president's "gut" and an obviously untenable unilateralism - that's radical. And stupid. To get a team of unscrupulous lawyers trained in the black arts of sophistry (ahem!) but ignorant of American history to gut the Constitution and argue that a president is just an ominipotent monarch under a different name - that's radical. And utterly un-American." (link)
read the rest.
(quick question - when i say 'read the rest' - do you read the rest? are they always great posts?)

* glenn: "In fact, as Cindy Sheehan was being dragged out of the Royal Speech, His Majesty was regaling us with the importance of respecting civil debate, the virtues of diversity and freedom, and the need to protect minority views. It's as if there was some universal force that wanted to provide the most compelling demonstration possible of how disingenuous his speech was, and came up with the idea of having Cindy Sheehan dragged out of the hall for doing nothing other than wearing a t-shirt politely expressing criticism of Bush's war"
btw - my absolute fave moment of the year so far was the fact that they arrested someone on the 'other side' so that they could claim to be fair and balanced. tip o' the hat to the genius who came up with that one.

* "One day after President Bush vowed to reduce America's dependence on Middle East oil by cutting imports from there 75 percent by 2025, his energy secretary and national economic adviser said Wednesday that the president didn't mean it literally." (link)
mon dieu

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