Tuesday, February 28, 2006


* some people (FDL) are pointing approvingly to this complete and utter nonsense in the WaPo:
"Joseph King, who headed the customs agency's anti-terrorism efforts under the Treasury Department and the new Department of Homeland Security, said national security fears are well grounded.

He said a company the size of Dubai Ports World would be able to get hundreds of visas to relocate managers and other employees to the United States. Using appeals to Muslim solidarity or threats of violence, al-Qaeda operatives could force low-level managers to provide some of those visas to al-Qaeda sympathizers, said King, who for years tracked similar efforts by organized crime to infiltrate ports in New York and New Jersey. Those sympathizers could obtain legitimate driver's licenses, work permits and mortgages that could then be used by terrorist operatives.

Dubai Ports World could also offer a simple conduit for wire transfers to terrorist operatives in the Middle East. Large wire transfers from individuals would quickly attract federal scrutiny, but such transfers, buried in the dozens of wire transfers a day from Dubai Ports World's operations in the United States to the Middle East would go undetected, King said."

even i'm astonished.

terrorists in the M.E. might get money? that's their argument? please shuthefuckup!

(and shame on anyone who approvingly points to this utter bullshit)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's a thought from buzzflash:

Maybe the Bush Administration, whose so called task force on the Dubai contract met only once, is really shoving this outsourced, kinky contract down our throats (and remember we are paying taxes to be betrayed by the Judas in the White House) for another reason.

Maybe the sheikhs of Dubai and the United Arab Emirates have some nasty goods on Bush, Cheney, the Carlyle Group, Halliburton (you name the corporate crony relationship) that the Bush dynasty can't afford to be revealed because it involves illegal financial transactions and questionable geopolitical agreements.

In short, maybe the national security of America is being blackmailed.