Wednesday, March 22, 2006

the anti-semitism edition

* glenn:
"Many Bush followers are enraged over a provocative new report by two of America's leading academicians -- University of Chicago Professor John Mearsheimer and Harvard Professor (and academic dean) Stephen Walt. According to this UPI article, the report contains “a searing attack on the role and power of Washington's pro-Israel lobby . . . , warning that its 'decisive' role in fomenting the Iraq war is now being repeated with the threat of action against Iran.”"
* from the UPI article:
"They claim that the Israel lobby has distorted American policy and operates against American interests, that it has organized the funneling of more than $140 billion dollars to Israel and "has a stranglehold" on the U.S. Congress, and its ability to raise large campaign funds gives its vast influence over Republican and Democratic administrations, while its role in Washington think tanks on the Middle East dominates the policy debate.

And they say that the Lobby works ruthlessly to suppress questioning of its role, to blacken its critics and to crush serious debate about the wisdom of supporting Israel in U.S. public life."

* speaking of, watch/listen/read this interview with amy goodman. intro:
"Former Republican strategist Kevin Phillips joins us to discuss his new book, "American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century."
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s Phillips was viewed as one of the GOP's top theoreticians and electoral analysts...
A review in Sunday's New York Times said the book may be "the most alarming analysis of where we are and where we may be going to have appeared in many years."
The book examines issues ranging from peak oil to the rapture to the future of the American empire."
* and xymphora walks us through "The Lobby as a necessary cause of Evil" and "The mechanics of a conspiracy"


Anonymous said...

Is there no justice in the world?

Anonymous said...

"Many Bush followers are enraged....."

That's music to my ears.

lukery said...

anon - the kitty is going to dr frist's office

Doctor - unfortunately they aren't enraged at mr bush