Monday, March 06, 2006

antiwar anti-semitism

* i never hang out at DU - but i was of the impression that they get a great deal of traffic and are really popular and kinda free-wheeling with lots of conspiracy stuff and the rest. as i mentioned earlier, there was a post over there asking about my questions about sibel and the building blueprints and composites and the post was 'pulled'. the reason? because the post also linked to scott's interview with sibel - and what's wrong with that? the interview was at! and the problem with that? "The fabricated stories and anti-semitism bother some people". You can read about it here - at the new post.

I have no problem with people having their own posting/commenting policies for their own sites, and i understand that people equate criticism of any part of israel with anti-semitism - but i'm amazed that DU (of all places!) has a policy where any post linking to anything - even an interview - at automatically trashes the post.

I sure have a lot to learn about the internets!

hopefully the real issues about sibel's building plans and such don't get buried under this other odd issue


Miguel said...

I can certainly see why some people might not agree with, and Justin Raimando, who founded the site, was associated with Pat Buchanan, who some have accused of anti-semitism. But I think there is a big difference between not wanting to give Israel a blank check to do whatever it wants and true antisemitism. If Antiwar is antisemitic, so is Noam Chomsky, who himself is Jewish.

Antiwar is very mainstream. It is endorsed by antiwar activists left and right, from people like Juan Cole and Robert Parry on the left to antiwar Libertarians to ex-Reaganites like the late Jude Wanniski and Paul Craig Roberts.

Granted, I take take some of the stuff written on antiwar.comwith a grain of salt-like I do with every web site. But antiwar has a large diversity of opinion, and DU's policy is incomprehensible to me.

Anonymous said...

Right on!

Anonymous said...

fwiw, there is a whole lot of stuff alleging Israeli knowledge of 911, or even participation in it. (link)(link)

Miguel said...

The Israeli Spy Ring was maybe cleared up by Phillip Geraldi in his last interview with Scott Horton. Geraldi said that it was a Mossad operation to track Islamic fundamentalists around the world, and to also gain access to the criminal databases of various government agencies, including the DEA. He said that Israel had violated an unwritten agreement after the Jonathan Pollard fiasco not to conduct espionage operations against the U.S., and the implication was that the Israelis were quietly rebuked by the Bush Administration behind the scenes, but the whole matter was hushed up.

One of these days I will transcribe his exact words...

It's always a fine line one walks between false accusations of anti-Semitism and true anti-Semitism. I think the accusations against Antiwar are clearly false.

Anonymous said...

to clarify, my point was less about antiwar and who is jewish, and who is anti-semitic (that's not an argument i care to have) but more about DU...

if they ban even a link to an interview at antiwar, then they can ban just about anyone - and my impession was that 'anything goes' over there.

i'd love to see their list of banned sites