Sunday, March 12, 2006

any violent act is out of the question

* "Libby needs to know the gist of the intelligence briefings to put on a "preoccupation defense," the judge said. But, he said, the former White House aide should be able to refresh his memory by reviewing generalized versions of the intelligence briefings.
"It is inconceivable that the defendant's memory of matters of significance to him have totally vanished," Walton wrote." (link)
lol - i'll give that one to walton. i'll repeat for the umpteenth time - why wasnt libby busy focussing on other stuff?

* heres an interesting take from the nyt: "Critics of the Bush administration have asserted that the destruction of Ms. Wilson's undercover status was an act of retaliation against her husband, Joseph C. Wilson IV."
i thought that 'everyone' thought that (apart from us) - not just Bush critics.

* the other day i mentioned that ray mcgovern has returned a medal. someone else (Public Defender Joseph DuRocher, now a law professor) has joined in:
"As a citizen, a patriot, a parent and grandparent, a lawyer and law teacher I am left with such a feeling of loss and helplessness. I think of myself as a good American and I ask myself what can I do when I see the face of evil? Illegal and immoral war, torture and confinement for life without trial have never been part of our Constitutional tradition. But my vote has become meaningless because I live in a safe district drawn by your political party. My congressman is unresponsive to my concerns because his time is filled with lobbyists' largess. Protests are limited to your "free speech zones", out of sight of the parade. Even speaking openly is to risk being labeled un-American, pro-terrorist or anti-troops. And I am a disciplined pacifist, so any violent act is out of the question." (link)

the poor guy is at breaking point - howsabout that last line? what he's really saying is
"im THIS close to assassinating your stupid ass - and i have to keep reminding myself everyday that murder is bad. but dont push me."

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