Monday, March 13, 2006

Berlusconi & Pollari

* "Iran has lost crucial support from its powerful ally Russia after the Iranian foreign ministry said Tehran is no longer considering a Russian compromise aimed at resolving the dispute over Iran's nuclear threat." (link)
(the article doesn't actually support the lede)

* " In the latest Weekly Standard Kristol accuses Fukuyama of losing his nerve -- of wanting to "retrench, hunker down and let large parts of the world go to hell in a handbasket, hoping the hand basked won't blow up in our faces."
Christopher Hitchens, the one-time Trotskyist turned neocon fellow traveler and eternal polemicist, derides Fukuyama for "conceding to the fanatics and beheaders the claim that they are a response to American blunders and excesses," and for yearning for a return of Kissingerian realism in foreign affairs." (link)

* laura: "In the immediate wake of media reports on allegations of Italian intelligence operatives involved in all sorts of partisan dirty tricks, Sismi director Nicolo Pollari offers his resignation. Berlusconi, alleged beneficiary of dirty tricks, declines to accept it.
Meantime, Berlusconi storms out of live TV interview, outraged by questions about his relationship with President Bush."

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