Tuesday, March 07, 2006

BILL NAPOLI: rape victim, brutally raped, savaged.

* a couple of times in the last week i've mentioned the sth dakota senator who fantasizes about the anal rape of pure white virgins (digby popularized the story) - you can now see the vid - and watch his lasciviousness and relish as the words roll out of his mouth in its original form thanks to c&l

* "Another Iraq story gets debunked: In November 2001... PBS' "Frontline" (showed) an Iraqi lieutenant general who had fled Saddam Hussein... The high-ranking Iraqi military officer claimed he had witnessed terrorist training camps in Iraq where Islamic militants learned how to hijack airplanes. About 40 foreign nationals were based there at any given time, he said... the meeting (was) arranged by the Iraqi National Congress." (link)
it was false, of course. that's why i immediately discard any talk of "Terrorist Training Camps (TM)" - although I do love the footage of hooded folk jumping through hoops like they are on the set of Siegfried and Roy

* the awesome bob parry does what he does best - this time with Abu Gonzales' "clarification letter" - and here on new the "we can torture at gitmo" 'logic'

* everyone is pointing to this: "According to the Feb. 28-March 1 poll, 75% of Americans think "a major civil war involving ethnic or religious groups in Iraq is likely in the next year," or is already occurring. Just 20% think a civil war is unlikely. "
i can't tell you how little i care about americans' perspectives about whether iraq will have a civil war *except* to the extent that it affects domestic politics.

* the democratic primary in hastert's district is on March21. john laesch vs ruben zamora
(i'm not sure if anyone else is involved)


Anonymous said...

'i can't tell you how little i care about americans' perspectives about whether iraq will have a civil war *except* to the extent that it affects domestic politics.'

tell me about it...unless they're overtly keeping track of worldnews or opposing viewpoints, especially online, i totally agree (personally, i'm of the 'who the fuck cares what they think? they don't know shit' line of thinking.

Anonymous said...

yeah - what she said.

i can't tell you how much restraint it took me to write "'i can't tell you how little i care about americans' perspectives..."

Anonymous said...

in their defence, they're way busy hustling to make ends meet, feed their kids, hang onto non-pension gigs, like that. fuckers (bu$hCo, not most amer. citizens)

sorry in advance if i've already said this in comments/mail; this is yet another thing i tell people here, when they ask me why the general US apathy.

Anonymous said...

oh sure - therefore my original point is valid - we shuoldnt be asking them abuot whether they think there will be a civil war in iraq - or at least, we shouldnt care about the answer