Tuesday, March 07, 2006

bird flu prevention to troops

* glenn: " It appears almost certain that the Senate Intelligence Committee is going to vote tomorrow in favor of Sen. Rockefeller's motion to hold investigative hearings into the operational questions surrounding the NSA program. Sen. Snowe's office has been confirming that she intends to vote for the motion, which would guarantee that it passes at least 8-7."

* ROBERT FISK: "The Iranian link is with the Iraqi Government. The main parties in the government of Iraq which have been elected, who are there now dealing with the Americans, these are the representatives of Iran. Moqtada al-Sadr is irrelevant to Iran. Iranians are already effectively controlling Iraq because the two major power blocks, the two major parties who were elected... these are effectively the representatives of Tehran. That's the point. Iran doesn't need to get involved in violence in Iraq. "

* kathy sent this through (from stars&stripes):
"The US military is giving special instructions about bird flu prevention to troops and their families in Iraq, including a warning against eating local poultry."
if the IEDs dont kill you
nor the DU
you'll wish you were a chickenhawk
cos now there's bird flu

(btw - do troops really take their families to iraq? who knew?)

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