Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Bolton's AIPAC speech

* from BoltonWatch:
"Despite his brusque and confrontational manner that belies (Bloton's) title as a “diplomat,” his (AIPAC) comments did not stray from the official position of the State Department,—he referred to Secretary Rice's statements six times during his speech—yet the language he chose to drive home the U.S. position strikes me as significant and perhaps intentionally deployed to plant the seeds of a different strategy.
Some of the more alarming and confrontational language of Bolton's speech lambasted multilateral decision making, heightened the imminence of the Iranian threat, and gestured towards threats of a pre-mature military response.

After members of the press pool complained of missing pages from the advanced copy of Bolton’s speech, another complete copy was distributed, this time with Bolton’s notations scribbled all over them. I mention this because the most confrontational and controversial remarks of the speech coincided with the only two places in the text that were dramatically starred and underlined."
I'm sure you all saw Bolton stabbing the air with his finger when he said:
"The Iran regime must be made aware that if it continues down the path of international isolation, there will be tangible and painful consequences."
much to the raucus, euphoric, blodthirsty applause of the AIPAC warmongers

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