Wednesday, March 29, 2006

driftglass coming down

* i'm so busy, i didn't get round to comin down with driftglass. some highlights:
"Carl Levin on Gridlock in Iraq. The Iraqi leadership is farting around and relying on us to protect them. Every fucking day they lock their keys in the Democracymobile and then sit around waiting and shooting at each other and us for U.S. Tire and Towing to show up with the slim-jim.

We should be smacking them upside their heads with 2x4s demanding that they get their act together now. Instead, we hear the same excuses that we just heard [from Rice].

Quote from Cheney about what folly it is for the Dems to run on “competence”.

Short Levin reply: Bring it on, Bitches!"
"On NBC -- Meet the Press -- War, War, War, Condi, and a Special Guest appearance by...Immigration.

Couldn’t watch the GOP tickertape unspool out of Condi’s mouth.

Tried to, but what new (and, by definition, newsworthy) thing does this Administration have to say anymore? "
and for a literal lol mo
"Tim Russert; one of the few human beings I know of who would actually fail a fucking Turing Test."
"Seriously, NBC, save yourself some Big Cake, fire Russert’s worthless carcass and go Full Ananova - Buy a Mac, get some intern to show you how to use the “speech” function, and feed it wire-copy randomly interspersed with the word “Well?”"
on tancredo:
" The Republican Party is worm-eaten from crotch to crown with pin-head and bigots like this, because that’s the way they want it. A Party that invests 4/5th of its energy warming itself in the cheery glow of the rhetorical crosses it lights to keep the Mole Rat Base happy, and spends the rest of its breath denying they every meant anything by it and calling Democrats angry and unAmerican."
on george will:
"Typical conservative; will run into a burning building to save a five dollar bill, but won’t spend that five bucks to save a burning planet."

he manages to paraphrase katrina without going all googly about her red lips:
"And remember, this is an Administration that is at war with Science. That suppresses the truth. That rewrites scientific findings to fit political spin. That scrubs its own reports to [unintelligible, but I’ll betcha it was something like “make its Fundy Overlords happy.”]"
delicious, as always, drifty. thanks for the smack comin down. my week needed it.

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